Criticism of economic liberalism. A response from the cultural industry and the culture of performance




Economic liberalism, Juan Ramón Rallo, Capitalism, Cultural industry, Politics


This article aimed to analyze economic liberalism and its influence on the political activity of citizens, considering two sources: i) the cultural industry, whose notion explains how the industrial rhythm turns the person into an instrumentalized being, gradually distancing them from little of criticism and social reflection through consumption, the standardization of life and spectacle; and ii) the culture of performance, where society rewards high productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. The argumentative, analytical-comparative and critical-analytical methods were used. The bibliographic review was used to formulate the principles of economic liberalism, based on the text: “Liberalism” by Juan Ramón Rallo. To develop criticism he based himself on the texts of: “Dialectic of Enlightenment” written by Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer; and in “The Society of Tiredness”, written by Byung Chul-Han. Through the analysis, it was concluded that the dynamics of the free market have a negative influence on people's political interest and activity.


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How to Cite

Garrido , G. R. (2024). Criticism of economic liberalism. A response from the cultural industry and the culture of performance . Revista Científica Integración, 8(1), 43–57.



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