Motivations and challenges of women business owners in Mexico City and the metropolitan area




Women, female entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial spirit, motivations, entrepreneurial challenges


The objective of this article is to analyze the perceptions of women entrepreneurs in relation to their motivations for starting the business, their challenges, their strategies to face the challenges, the importance of training, and advice to women; the above to offer valuable perspectives and recommendations to support future generations of businesswomen. It is a qualitative study; eight female micro-business owners from Mexico City and the metropolitan area were interviewed. The study found that the lack of work or being left without it motivated them to start their businesses. Their way of facing challenges is not to doubt their ability and be resilient, recognizing that they need business education. It is concluded that the development of training programs and access to mentoring that facilitates the development of business skills is imperative.


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How to Cite

Hernández Herrera, C. A. (2024). Motivations and challenges of women business owners in Mexico City and the metropolitan area. Revista Científica Integración, 8(2), 11–23.



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