Markowitz theory in S&P 500 portfolios
Markowitz, return, risk, efficient frontier, standard deviation, beta coefficientAbstract
The objective of this article was to analyze Markowitz's Theory to identify its impact on performance because investors require optimizing the balance between risk and return. Methodologically, the study used the type of basic research with a quantitative approach; in addition, a non-experimental design of a retrospective type and a descriptive and explanatory scope. Regarding the sample, the monthly historical price of the shares of the companies listed in the S&P 500 stock index was used, covering a period from January 2023 to August 2024 and processed through the Solver program. As findings, it was found that the efficient frontier was useful to identify portfolios with the same level of risk and different returns, the lower dispersion of data and the lower beta coefficient allowed to obtain a return higher than the risk. In this sense, it was concluded that Markowitz's theory favorably affects the performance of a portfolio since it allowed to identify investment alternatives that simultaneously minimize risk and maximize return.
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