Exploratory study of the role of emotional intelligence in business innovation from the perspective of organizational processes





Entrepreneurial Development, Skills, Innovation, Emotional Intelligence, Business Development


The purpose of this research was to explore the role of emotional intelligence (EI) in business innovation from the perspective of organizational processes. A qualitative, documentary and descriptive approach was employed, and a total of n = 20 scientific articles were identified and selected from databases. The results reveal that emotional intelligence and entrepreneurial innovation stand out for their impact and the relationship between EI, entrepreneurial competence and knowledge management. The role of EI in business innovation and managerial effectiveness, its influence on collaboration and team performance, its relationship with adaptation to organizational change, and its link with business intelligence and decision making, as well as scientific productivity, were also analyzed. It is concluded that EI is an essential component for business innovation, especially from the perspective of organizational processes.


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How to Cite

Chinchilla , L. P. (2024). Exploratory study of the role of emotional intelligence in business innovation from the perspective of organizational processes. Revista Científica Integración, 8(2), 72–75. https://doi.org/10.36881/ri.v8i2.956



Review Articles