About the Journal

MUJER ANDINA is conceived as a space for the reflection of the actors involved in scientific work (teachers, students, researchers, academics in general). The magazine has been designed to promote and show the research development not only of women in Peru, but throughout the world, highlighting how women have been inserting themselves in scientific research processes.

Therefore, we invite you to send your contributions on Any topic that generally shows the insertion of women in the research process, and especially topics related to:

- Scientific research and its processes.

- Education and women as promoters.

- Presence of women in the various scientific disciplines.

The journal will be biannual, anticipating a first publication in the month of July/August, and a second for the month of December/January of each year. In this sense, the MUJER ANDINA journal contemplates among its editorial policies and norms the publication of unpublished investigations under the figure of: a) Research articles. b) Theoretical review articles c) Documents, translations and reviews.