Plurinational State, racism and mestizo rebellion in Bolivia
racism, mestizaje, Plurinational StateAbstract
This article provides an explanation to the violent regrowth of racism that occurs in Bolivia since the installation of the Constituent Assembly in 2007. I maintain that this phenomenon responds to a crisis of miscegenation as a unifying cultural project of the Bolivian nation proposed by the mestizo bourgeoisie, whose hegemony has entered into crisis. The mestizo project has been contested by the plurinational state project, proposed by the indigenous sectors. The reaction of the bourgeoisie, both in the face of its crisis has been racist. This racism has turned the indigenous body in illegitimate through its bestalization. This supposes an accumulative process of social construction of the life of the other as expenditable, this has derived in to a necropolitics that, through massacre, turns the other into a killable body. This article was made based on a set of interviews conducted in two different periods: 2008 and 2023, two emblematic moments of racism regrowths, I also used the analysis of discourse and photographs about racism that circulate on the Internet was also used.
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