About the Journal

YACHAY Cultural Scientific Journal of the Universidad Andina del Cusco , is an open access publication, reviewed by peers, under the Creative Commons (CC  BY) (untill 2022 CC BY NC SA was used), for an annual edition in its beginnings, sponsored by the Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Its purpose is to promote and disseminate scientific, technological and humanistic research in which interdisciplinary academic content prevails.
It is then conceived as a space for reflection by teachers, students, researchers, academics in general, on special issues especially related to University Higher Education and its relationship with other areas of knowledge.
The magazine was originally annual, however, since 2023 it is biannual, with a first publication scheduled for May/June, and a second for November/December of each year. In this sense, the YACHAY Journal includes among its editorial policies and standards the publication of unpublished research under the figure of:
a) Original article
b) Review article
c) short communication
d) Case report
e) Letter to the editor
f) Cultural note or photographic gallery.
The journal does not charge authors any APC for the publication of articles.