Complaints and dispute resolution

When a complaint is received about any of the articles, it is reviewed and the right to reply is given to the one who presents the complaint, for that, there is a section: letter to the editor, in which can be published clarifications on published articles.
The resolution of issues such as the case of very different evaluations are resolved by obtaining a third evaluation, in any case, the editorial committee decides on the evaluations based on the expertise in each area of ​​knowledge. Any other conflict will be resolved by decision of the editorial committee.
The following are considered conflicts and editorial violations:
a) False authorship.
b) Plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism.
c) Undeclared conflicts of interest.
d) Fabrication/falsification of data.
e) Segmented publication.
f) Simultaneous/duplicate publication.
In any of these cases, the journal can apply the following actions:
If the article is already published: it can be retracted or corrected.
If the article has not been published: it can be rejected.
The decision will be informed to the author and the institution of origin following the recommendations of the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE).

The journal follows the recommendations issued by COPE in order to avoid bad scientific practices, it is willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions when necessary according to the following types of errors:
Major errors (falsification, fabrication or plagiarism): In the event that a published article presents substantive errors detected by the author and that violates the scientific quality, the author may request its withdrawal or correction. However, if they are detected by third parties: plagiarism, previous publication, unethical conduct or error, it is the author's obligation to publicly retract, with which the withdrawal or public correction will proceed immediately. The public correction or retraction will be made in the following issue.
Minor errors (errors in sampling, procedural, or data analysis, failure to reproduce results, accidental omission of information about methods or data analysis): When an error or material inaccuracy is discovered in the published document, it is an obligation to notify the journal and retract or correct the document.