Revisión por pares

In the journal we do not support plagiarism and falsification of information, therefore, the articles are reviewed by the Turnitin similarity software and up to a maximum of 19% similarity is accepted. Those authors who use information without citing more than 20% of the content are informed and their document is rejected for review until the indicated parameter is met.
The editorial committee of the journal reserves the right to decide whether or not to publish the text, after external evaluation by blind peer reviewers (YACHAY uses double blind peer system). The final decision will be communicated to the author or authors and, if it is not accepted, it will be retired, likewise, in certain cases, the editorial committee may address the authors indicating the qualification, may be as follows: a) accepted without modifications; b) may be published, with minor comments; c) may be published, with important comments; d) Not publishable. All manuscripts considered for publication will be sent to external reviewers, except for those that are expressly requested by the advisory committee.
Peer evaluations are ad honorem. Every reviewer has the obligation to declare all possible conflicts of interest with respect to the document that must be reviewed and abstain from the review. Also, must maintain confidentiality regarding the data included in the document.


Deadlines: the review deadlines range from 2 to 6 weeks, upon receipt of the evaluations and that they coincide, they are sent to the authors, otherwise a third arbitration will be needed and an additional 2 to 4 weeks to obtain a response. The final decision remains in the hands of the editor/editorial committee in case of any controversy in this regard.

Procedures: The accepted works will be corrected after their acceptance with issues of spelling and grammar. The final version will be sent to the author before publication.