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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • Whenever possible, DOIs and/or URLs are provided for references.
  • The text has single spacing; 12 point font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Author Guidelines, which appear in Journal.

Author Guidelines

Submissions can be made through the OJS system or to the email, after meeting the following requirements:


Format policy

The  Journal considers a series of format standards in the article evaluation process. Articles that do not comply with the formatting standards will not continue with the evaluation process.

Extension. The article will be received exclusively in Microsoft Word format, completely editable, in Spanish, English or Portuguese, through the virtual platform of the journal or email, the length of the article will be according to the type or section to which it belongs, with consecutive numbering of all the pages. This extension includes the cover (first page), graphs, tables, figures (illustrations) and references.

The writing style of the texts must always be impersonal, unless express mention is made of the author's opinion.

You should always try to write concisely, clearly and precisely. This includes paying attention to words that are repeated frequently (especially in the same paragraph).

Language. The publication of the articles is carried out in the Spanish language.

Supplementary documents. You must attach the authorization letter and the affidavit.

Annexes. Annexes should not be included at the end of the article. All annexes must be incorporated analytically within the body of the article (tables, figures, etc.).

Citation style. For the use of the citation, the standards designed by the American Psychological Association (current APA) are followed, with DOI added for electronically available documents. The system of citation, titling and presentation of figures must also follow current APA standards. For more information on the use of this format, we recommend visiting the publications manual of the American Psychological Association, in its seventh edition.


The journal can publish the following types of documents:



Articles submitted to the journal must be unpublished or/and original, and not be simultaneously postulated in other magazines. The Scientific Integration Magazine publishes three types of documents.

Instructions regarding the structure of articles

Original article

It is research that presents unpublished and original results obtained from research under any investigative approach. These investigations have an updated theoretical foundation and methodology supported by empirical evidence, in order to contribute to knowledge, analyzing the implications obtained from the different results. These articles must be presented using APA  (current edition) and must contain:

Title of the article: in Spanish and English, it must be concise but informative, a maximum of 20 words is recommended, do not include abbreviations, in highs and lows (Only the first letter with a capital letter).
Author(s) and institutional affiliation: Names, paternal and maternal surnames; maximum six authors¸ ORCID code of each author. If there are several authors, the order must be according to the contribution. In the footer, include the academic degree, position held at the institution where you work, and email address of the author or principal researcher for correspondence.

Abstract: (in the original language and translation) It is the section of the scientific article, where the entire work is presented in a general way. It is a brief and global synthesis of the contents of the article. Its function is to anticipate, through the interaction of reading, the aspects of the research content. The summary, in turn, is a specialized discourse, since it appears in the sources without the need to include the entire text of the work. It must contain: a) the problem being investigated, expressed as much as possible, in a single sentence; b) the objective of the research; c) the participants, specifying the relevant characteristics such as age, sex, or other; d) the precise and necessary information on the study method; e) basic discoveries or results; f) conclusions and g) implications or applications. The length should be between 150 to 250 words, in a single paragraph, without indentation and in the past tense. Include at the bottom of the summary, a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 keywords that identify the topic of the publication. It serves as a visual indicator for identification in a database and electronic search engines. Include JEL codes.
Introduction: Provides sufficient information so that the reader can understand and evaluate the results of the work. It includes the research problem, objectives, hypothesis, justification, background, theoretical bases, author's contribution and difficulties or limitations, and should contain one to three pages; It must be referenced with at least 15 bibliographical references directly linked to the study, the writing must be in the present tense.
Material and methods: Includes the scope and design of the research, population and sample data, data collection techniques and instruments.
Results: Present the results in a clear and detailed manner. It is recommended to avoid describing the data shown in the tables or figures, which should be a maximum of five.
Discussion: The results are presented and shown, whether or not they agree with results and interpretations of works by other authors or theories.
Conclusions: In accordance with the objectives of the research.
Acknowledgement (optional).

Bibliographic references, maximum of 30 references, those that have been cited in the text are mentioned and there must be correspondence with those cited in the work, for this the APA style (current edition) must be used.
The total length of the article should not exceed more than 20 pages.
It is publishable based on 18 rating points in the Evaluation Criteria instrument for a scientific article.


Review article

It is that research that carries out an analysis and review of the existing literature on a particular topic or theory. Its objective is to synthesize studies on a topic, to update the reader on the state of the art. In this type of article, a bibliographic review of at least 40 references must be presented:

Article title: in Spanish and English, it should be concise but informative, a maximum of 20 words is recommended, do not include abbreviations.
Author(s) and institutional affiliation: Names, paternal and maternal surnames; maximum six authors¸ ORCID code of each author. If there are several authors, the order must be according to the contribution. In the footer, include the academic degree, position held at the institution where you work, and email address of the author or principal researcher for correspondence.
Abstract: (in the original language and translation) It is the section of the scientific article, where the entire work is presented in a general way. It is a brief and global synthesis of the contents of the article. Its function is to anticipate, through the interaction of reading, the aspects of the research content. The summary, in turn, is a specialized discourse, since it appears in the sources without the need to include the entire text of the work. It must contain: a) the problem being investigated, expressed as much as possible, in a single sentence; b) the objective of the research, c) the participants, specifying the relevant characteristics such as age, sex, or other, d) the precise and necessary information on the study method, e) basic discoveries or results; f) conclusions, and g) implications or applications. The length should be between 150 to 250 words, in a single paragraph, without indentation and in the past tense. Include at the bottom of the summary, a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 keywords that identify the topic of the publication. It serves as a visual indicator for identification in a database and electronic search engines. Include JEL codes.
Introduction: Provides sufficient information so that the reader can understand and evaluate the results of the work. It includes the research problem, objectives, hypothesis, justification, background, theoretical bases, author's contribution and difficulties or limitations, and should contain one to three pages; It must be referenced with at least 15 bibliographical references directly linked to the study, the writing must be in the present tense.
Body of the document: It is recommended that tables or figures should be a maximum of 6 (six).
The total length of the article should not exceed more than 25 pages.
Bibliographic references, minimun 40 references, those that have been cited in the text are mentioned, for this the APA style (current edition) must be used.


Letter to the editor

It is a written way of expressing oneself and is usually written in response to a specific article that has appeared in a newspaper or journal. These letters can be used to highlight some aspects for or against a topic, correct any mistakes or errors that the article contains and reinforce key messages or simply inform.

Title in Spanish and English.
Author and institutional affiliation.
Start by mentioning the objective reason for the letter, if necessary, just a table or a figure.
Reason for stating the opinion, it is recommended that the tables or figures should be a maximum of two.
Discussion of results and/or recommendations.
Bibliographic references in APA format (current edition).
Author's email.
The total length should not extend to more than 3 pages.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.