Management of human talent and quality of service in the Provincial Municipality of Atalaya, Perú




Human talent management, Organizational Climate, responsiveness, service satisfaction, service quality


The main problem of this research was the case of the low productivity that municipal management presents for various reasons such as lack of adaptation to changes, lack of commitment, lack of coordination, lack of training that impacts the attention of citizen requests, The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between the management of human talent and the quality of service in the Provincial Municipality of Atalaya, in the year 2021. The main objective is to determine the relationship that exists between the management of human talent  and quality of service in the Municipality of Atalaya during the year 2021 and as specific objectives to determine the relationship that exists between human talent management and efficiency, competence, capacity and satisfaction in the Provincial Municipality of Atalaya, the general hypothesis that showed the significant correlation between both variables: human talent management and quality of service in the Provincial Municipality of Atalaya, corresponding to the year 2021. As a methodological analysis, the quantitative method was used that assigned values ​​to the variables and verified the results through numerical data through statistical analysis, the instrument used was the questionnaire known as “multidimensional range of human talent management (Bowles y Gintis, 2021)  and quality of service” having as a non-experimental research design of a correlational type that was used in administrative collaborators, with a population of 354 collaborators of the Provincial Municipality of Atalaya, with non-probabilistic sampling, with a sample of 100 collaborators. The correlation of both variables was developed using the SPSS statistical program, with Rho Spearman, with a confidence level of 0.000; Therefore, the alternative hypothesis is accepted. The data show the relationship that exists with a significance level p=0.002 that is less than 5% (p<005). Therefore, the existence of a significant relationship between human talent management and service quality in the Provincial Municipality of Atalaya can be confirmed.


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How to Cite

Alzamora Capristano, J. C. (2024). Management of human talent and quality of service in the Provincial Municipality of Atalaya, Perú. Revista Científica Integración, 8(1), 9–13.



Scientific Articles