Entrepreneurship networks and business management with a gender focus in micro and small enterprises





Female entrepreneurship, MSEs, gender focus, business management, support networks


This study analyses how gender-sensitive entrepreneurial network management can foster equality, diversity and inclusion within the global entrepreneurial ecosystem, especially in the context of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs). The type of study described is qualitative, exploratory and documentary in nature, using a systematic review of the literature under the PRISMA method, 23 relevant studies were identified and analyzed. These studies include a combination of empirical and theoretical research. Of the 23 selected studies: 15 were empirical studies, which included qualitative and quantitative research focused on the evaluation of entrepreneurial networks, business management and gender perspective; 5 were theoretical reviews, which provided key concepts and models related to gender equity and business networks; 3 corresponded to case studies, which analyzed practical examples of inclusive entrepreneurial networks in different economic and cultural contexts. The results reveal that women entrepreneurs face significant barriers, such as limited access to financial resources and support networks, as well as gender stereotypes. However, effective strategies were identified, such as mentoring programs, targeted financing, and inclusive policies, that can enhance women’s equal participation in the entrepreneurial arena. The study underlines the need for targeted interventions and public policies to foster a more inclusive and sustainable entrepreneurial environment. However, the findings also highlight promising strategies, such as targeted mentoring programs, inclusive financing, and the implementation of equitable public policies, that can transform current structures and promote a more accessible and sustainable entrepreneurial environment. In this regard, the study reinforces the need for concrete and coordinated interventions between the public and private sectors to ensure a more equitable participation of women in global entrepreneurship, driving not only gender equality, but also economic growth.


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How to Cite

Villafuerte Salazar , S., Cornejo Rojas , A., & Giraldo Pizarro , D. V. (2024). Entrepreneurship networks and business management with a gender focus in micro and small enterprises. Revista Científica Integración, 8(2), 64–71. https://doi.org/10.36881/ri.v8i2.959



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