Federal scholarships in the welfare of Centros de Bachillerato Tecnológicos Agropecuarios students in Tlaxcala, Mexico





scholarships, federal, well-being, high school, agriculture


Federal scholarships seek to support family spending and the well-being of people through the satisfaction of their basic needs, guaranteeing the education and school permanence of young students. Therefore, the present work has as objective: To know the use of the scholarships granted by the government and the changes identified in the school welfare, personal and family of the students of the CBTas 134 and 162 of the upper secondary agricultural education of Tlaxcala state, México. The study was carried out through qualitative research, with an in-depth structured interview, which was recorded to collect the data with the greatest possible fidelity. As a result, it was found that scholarships help in a minimal way to the economic problems of the home, school, and personal issues, due to the conditions of poverty that students present. It is concluded that scholarships are an economic support that does not help to have better school performance and social well-being.


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How to Cite

Jaimes Hernández, E., & Espejel Rodríguez, A. (2023). Federal scholarships in the welfare of Centros de Bachillerato Tecnológicos Agropecuarios students in Tlaxcala, Mexico. Mujer Andina, 1(2), 134–148. https://doi.org/10.36881/ma.v1i2.720



Research Papers