Public policy in preventive intervention from the Venezuelan Organic Law on the Right to Women to a Free of Violence Life
justicia social, desarrollo humano, derechos humanos, violencia de género, política pública, intervención preventivaAbstract
The effective integration and equal women's conditions in all spheres of social life, in addition to complex challenge, constitutes one the purposes of international agendas in which the persistent need to create the legal and political mechanisms through which to prevent, eradicate and offer alternatives so that they reach both the state of fullness and the integral realization that allows it to act autonomously and freely. This documentary research proposes a public policy in preventive intervention from the Organic Law on the Right to Women to a Life Free of Violence (Venezuelan), in those who rest the responsibility of advising, accompanying and reinforcing processes that eradicate the violation of their dignity, leading to the emergence of risk factors such as victimization, discrimination and systematic abuse in its various manifestations. It is concluded that achieving the effective approach to violence against women, implies the implementation of socio -educational measures that reiterate their recognition as a subject of law, as well as the timely preventive activity that ensures its fair and joint inclusion in the various dimensions of life Social.
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