Educational intervention: strengthening environmental awareness for the sustainability of megadiversity




educational intervention, environmental awareness, sustainability, megadiversity


The objective of this research was to carry out an educational intervention with the purpose of enhancing the participants' knowledge about the importance of caring for the environment and megadiversity in the country. The aim was to generate a protective awareness that permeates their role as citizens and future professionals in their respective fields of work. This work presents a deductive logical, with a descriptive scope and quantitative approach. The sample included 20 participants from the Pharmacy and Biochemistry professional career at the Scientific University of the South (Lima - Peru) who are in the second year of professional training. The survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument, this being executed in two different instances. At the beginning of the test application, it was found that the participants reached: an insufficient level 50%, in process 35%, satisfactory 15% and outstanding 0%, after carrying out the educational intervention and applying the test again the following was reached: insufficient level 0 %, in progress 10%, satisfactory 30% and outstanding 60%. The knowledge of the participants about the importance of caring for the environment and megadiversity in the country was enhanced, and positive awareness was generated about the protection of our ecosystem from our position as citizens and professionals.


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How to Cite

Pineda Pérez , N. M., Villanueva Blas , L. F., Aquino Nostades , E., Peña Portocarrero , E. J., Macedo Sucari , R., & Caballero, R. E. (2023). Educational intervention: strengthening environmental awareness for the sustainability of megadiversity. Yachay, 12(2), 104–108.



Scientific Articles