Theoretical contribution of Mary Parker Follett to administrative and organizational sciences
constructive conflict, circular response, power with, rationalist-idealist, humanism, administrative sciences, organizational sciencesAbstract
The purpose of this article is to highlight the validity of the theoretical contribution of Mary Parker Follett (1868-1933) to the administrative and organizational sciences, in a historical context marked by the economic depression and her struggle to find an academic space at the University of Harvard and the annex for the academic training of women. His interest in psychology and philosophy, through the influence of William James, are considered contributions to conflict resolution and management in a democratic climate, marked by respect for human beings, their integrity and the effort to achieve a decent work environment. Within the theoretical principles that this important researcher contributes to administrative sciences and other disciplines of the social sciences, three of them stand out: constructive conflict, circular response and "power with". An epistemological analysis of her theoretical contribution is incorporated to explain the rationalist-idealist tendency in the theoretical production of her legacy, which contributes to the analysis of the author's contribution. It seeks to verify, with a rationalist methodological orientation, the important contribution of this researcher, often ignored, in contexts of the human sciences.
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