Women in physical education in universities of Argentina and Brazil: An approach to their identification





university physical education, identification, women


The process of university growth of Physical Education in Argentina and Brazil is linked to the construction of knowledge and the incorporation of research practices associated with universities and specialized organizations. Although scientific research in both countries presents different features, they share the tendency to make invisible women researchers. With the objective of knowing and understanding the participation of women in physical education in universities in Argentina and Brazil, this article explains the identification mechanism of scientific researchers recognized since the 1970s in both countries. This is a comparative study based on oral history interviews. This article shares the procedure for identifying the cases to be studied, and further reading about gender and configurations of the scientific construction of the area in order to identify organizing topics for the interviews. The main findings are summarized in the placement of the gender issue in a knowledge community with male dominance, the recognition of the institutional and national processes that make it possible to recognize the cases to be interviewed, and the progress in reading specialized texts that allow identifying the search categories. We overcame by delving into reading about gender and configurations of the scientific construction of the area was deepened in order to identify topics for the interviews with these women.


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How to Cite

Rivero , I., & Wenetz , I. (2023). Women in physical education in universities of Argentina and Brazil: An approach to their identification. Mujer Andina, 2(1), 59–71. https://doi.org/10.36881/ma.v2i1.776