Approaches to domestic violence in indigenous women of the municipality of Jambaló in Cauca




Beliefs, coping strategies, domestic violence, indigenous women, ecological model


Starting in the 1970s, several non-governmental organizations and international entities began to highlight the importance of guaranteeing respect for women's rights; However, there have been few investigations that have been carried out to analyze this problem and strategies have been incorporated to address it; Based on this, seeking to characterize the beliefs and coping strategies in indigenous women who have suffered from domestic violence, the objective is set to define some approaches to domestic violence in indigenous women from the municipality of Jambaló in Cauca, using Delgado's theoretical foundations. -Castillo, et al., (2021). Méndez, et al., (2022), among others; with an ethnomethodological design, under a qualitative approach and the in-depth interview technique. The participants were 11 Nasa indigenous people (women) who live in the municipality of Jambaló in Cauca and agreed to participate in the research. Some of the categories analyzed were the coping strategies used by indigenous women to confront violence, in addition to the beliefs they have about this phenomenon. The result was that the women expressed feeling tired and scared by the repetition of violent acts towards them, which is why they decided to abandon their cultural beliefs and explore various action-oriented coping strategies. Concluding that the municipality of Jambaló is under a patriarchal culture and domination of men over women, which has naturalized violence in this indigenous community; however, beliefs about abuse are not rigid and have allowed the emergence of new strategies that allowed them to break the cycle of violence to which they were accustomed.


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How to Cite

Ceballos Casas, M. A., Narváez Zambrano, L. L., Ortega Apraez, M. E., & Cuevas Jaramillo, M. C. (2024). Approaches to domestic violence in indigenous women of the municipality of Jambaló in Cauca. Mujer Andina, 3(1), e030105.