Technostress and academic performance of first cycle students of the Universidad Andina del Cusco, 2021




Technostress, academic performance, students, Universidad Andina del Cusco


The research is carried out under the title “Techno-stress and academic performance of first-cycle students of the Universidad Andina del Cusco, 2022”, its general objective being to establish the relationship between the level of techno-stress and the academic performance of first-cycle students of academic studies semester 2021-II of the Universidad Andina del Cusco, the interpretation of the academic performance variable is carried out considering the academic model of the higher education institution where the study was carried out, using an instrument with adequate criteria for the median of technostress. psychometric. The study is developed within a quantitative approach, being of an applied type, since it depends on the knowledge and contributions of basic research, in addition to relating the variables it is considered within a correlational scope and with a non-experimental cross-sectional design, surveying a sample of 847 students. Among the most relevant results is the relationship between technostress and the academic performance of university students, the relationship between all the dimensions of technostress and academic performance, The conclusion was that the higher the level of technostress, the lower the academic performance of the students.


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How to Cite

Masias Ynocencio, Y., Aco Corrales, E. A., & Colque Candia, W. (2023). Technostress and academic performance of first cycle students of the Universidad Andina del Cusco, 2021. Yachay, 12(2), 67–77.



Scientific Articles