Entrepreneurship education: a bibliometric análisis





education, entrepreneurship, employment, bibliometric


Currently, entrepreneurship education is considered a solution to economic, social and political challenges. It is a fundamental tool for promoting the development of business and leadership skills essential to succeed in today's world. This study is based on a method of bibliometric analysis of entrepreneurial education in the Scopus database. The results show that, in 2022, the United Kingdom was the country that contributed the most to scientific production on entrepreneurship education. The most cited article is entitled "A Contemporary Approach to Entrepreneurship Education" and, according to Lotka's Law, 24 authors are considered prolific in the scientific production of this topic of study. According to Bradford Law, the most productive magazine on entrepreneurship education is Sustainability (Switzerland). The co-authorship network is comprised primarily of Wiboawo, A., Kusumojanto, D.D. and Narmaditya, B.S. The frequency of keywords in studies of entrepreneurship education include entrepreneur, education, entrepreneurship education, student, entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship, and perception. In conclusion, the results show that entrepreneurship education is a topic of great interest in the scientific community. In addition, the findings suggest that entrepreneurship education can be an effective means to develop the necessary skills to compete in the market. Therefore, it is recommended that further research be conducted in this field to achieve a more complete and detailed understanding.  


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How to Cite

Aguilar-Hernández, P. A., & Acosta-Tzin, J. V. (2023). Entrepreneurship education: a bibliometric análisis. Yachay, 12(1), 41–47. https://doi.org/10.36881/yachay.v12i1.673



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