Índice de potencial turístico de la provincia de Canchis-Cusco


  • Greta Aurora Gamarra-Gonzales Escuela Profesional de Turismo, Universidad Andina del Cusco, Cusco, Perú.
  • Yohny Luz Martínez-Trujillo Escuela Profesional de Turismo, Universidad Andina del Cusco, Cusco, Perú.
  • Anahí Najar-Obando Escuela Profesional de Turismo, Universidad Andina del Cusco, Cusco, Perú.
  • Friné Valderrama-Vizcarra Escuela Profesional de Turismo, Universidad Andina del Cusco, Cusco, Perú.




Tourism, Resources, Inventory


This reserarch work has been made inside the Province of Canchis in Cusco, as a result of the coordination between Canchis city hall (MPC) and Andina University of Cusco (UAC). The objective is to determine the tourist potential index about the rourist resources in the districts and the own Province of Canchis. Th data compilation has been made based on documents and bibliographic investigation and the field work supported by 127 natural resources, which were adjusted to 107 resources in order to be evaluated. This investigation is descriptive and explanatory in a quantitative approach. Through this research we could update the tourist resources inventory with current information and above all it was georeferenced which is an essential requirement in order to be incorporated into the SigMincetur (MINCETUR System that collects the inventory of tourist resources in our country). In consequence, it has been registered and georeferenced: the touristic place and the complementary service in the Province of Canchis; 45 establishments in Checacupe; 37 in Combapata; 55 in Marangani; 75 in Pitumarca; 13 in San Pablo; 17 in San Pedro; 368 in Sicuani and 22 in Tinta, which makes a total of 695 registered and evaluated establishments. We designed a Methodological Proposal for a Tourism Potential Index based on the categorization and ranking resources made of MINCETUR according also to the changes on the model proposed by Cerezo, incorporating factors related to tourism demand.


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How to Cite

Gamarra-Gonzales, G. A. ., Martínez-Trujillo, Y. L. ., Najar-Obando, A., & Valderrama-Vizcarra, F. (2021). Índice de potencial turístico de la provincia de Canchis-Cusco. Yachay, 10(1), 584–590. https://doi.org/10.36881/yachay.v10i1.295