Changes and expectations of university education: A descriptive study in a new context from the teaching vision
university education, teachers, digital tools, pedagogical processesAbstract
In the last three years, the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the generation of various changes in different areas of economic, social action and even family interaction, which were affected by the confinement policies that were assumed to protect people's health. Faced with this new reality, traditionalist university education underwent a significant change that led it from face-to-face to a virtual environment; this fact affected the way of teaching, learning and interaction, generating cognitive difficulties of understanding and assimilation of the thematic and essentially practical content of the subjects. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to determine the changes and expectations of university education in a new context from the teaching vision. The study is exploratory - descriptive, non-experimental and cross-sectional, a questionnaire was applied to 770 teachers from eight Bolivian universities, through a non-probabilistic sample that responds to snowball sampling. The results show that the main problems faced by the universities were obsolete teaching-learning strategies with few technological components, the outdatedness of the curriculum, among others. They also maintain that among the main challenges of the university is changing orthodox and rigid educational policies and processes, appropriating digital tools as an input for the application of teaching strategies in pedagogical processes. On this challenge, concrete, investigative and practical learning environments must be created.
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