Importance of ethics, values and principles in university education: Short reflection.




Etica, valores, principios, educación, universidad.


This review article has the purpose of examining the concepts of ethics, values and principles in university higher education, as well as evidencing the importance of ethics in the training of integral professionals, for this, an exploratory review of documents was used. of indexed journals, the criteria used for the selection of articles were directly aligned with the objectives and primarily articles that did not consider the theme of ethics and education were discarded. As a result, it is suggested that ethics is a fundamental aspect in different areas of life and highlights the importance of ethical principles such as human dignity, education in values, religation and autonomy to guide our actions and decisions; it is concluded that ethics is one of the most important pillars to safeguard the well-being of society; The university acquires an important role, forging the strengthening of doing, being, knowing and living with social identity and responsibility with its community, so that the university and its teaching staff must be open to innovation, critical thinking and the search for the truth to contribute to the constant improvement of the training of students at the Universidad Andina del Cusco.


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How to Cite

Gamero Huarcaya, V. K., Yepez Peña, M. A., & Cornejo Pumaccahua, M. N. (2023). Importance of ethics, values and principles in university education: Short reflection. Yachay, 12(2), 119–126.



Review Articles