Architectural intervention of the Limonal-Manu control and access post for the Limonal interpretation center

Architectural intervention of the Limonal-Manu control and access post for the Limonal interpretation center


  • Edilberto Orosco Uscamayta Universidad Andina del Cusco
  • Carlos Alberto Casapino Espinoza Universidad Andina del Cusco.



Control, Limonal, Manu, Intervención, centro de interpretación


The present investigation developed an evaluation and proposal of solutions to the problems of the infrastructure given in the Limonal Control Post, which works as the access, registration and control infrastructure of the Manu National Park, which also contributes to the surveillance of flora and fauna and basic education for visitors, the main objective being to improve the provision of services provided in this infrastructure. Using the analytical-deductive method, the deficiencies in the current infrastructure in the space, form, function and energy components were found to optimize the performance of activities and the provision of services. Research is defined as APPLICATION, where different proposals were put into practice based on the application of technological and scientific knowledge. The project was carried out in agreement with the Vice-Rectorate for Research of the Andean University of Cusco, the Zoological Society of Frankfurt and the National Service of Protected Areas SERNANP, the intervention area being 100m2 at the Limonal Control Post, located in the lower basin of the Manu river, the results show greater efficiency in the provision of surveillance and control services, increased energy supply, improved bioclimatic comfort and improved educational service, some criteria being used as the basis for improving the habitability, energy and construction conditions of the jungle.


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How to Cite

Orosco Uscamayta, E., & Casapino Espinoza, C. A. . (2021). Architectural intervention of the Limonal-Manu control and access post for the Limonal interpretation center : Architectural intervention of the Limonal-Manu control and access post for the Limonal interpretation center . Yachay, 10(1), 500–505.