Authentic tasks and stress in the Covid-19 context, correlation of its influence on the level of achievement in university students




stress, covid-19, Sars-CoV-2, competences, mathematics, achievement


Students who start university with virtual education face the social isolation that at their age constitutes a serious problem; as well as the SARS-CoV2 pandemic, with situations that generate stress. The competency approach, as the current curriculum, can be achieved with case studies, research, projects, workshops, authentic tasks, where they put their capacities, abilities, skills, resources and values into play. Consequently, it is essential that every university course provides its students with authentic assignments and that they are monitored with feedback from the evidence sent by the students. The objective of the study was to determine the correlation between stress in the Covid-19 context and the level of achievement, expressed by an arrangement of a rubric to a vigesimal score, of the authentic tasks. A non-experimental quantitative research was developed, the data were collected by a stress inventory test in the context of Covid-19, to a sample of 31 type subjects, students of the professional school of agroindustrial engineering, of the subject of mathematics I , from the National University of San Antonio Abad del Cusco. There is a considerable negative correlation (r = -0.74), the greater the stress of the context, the lower the level of achievement in the authentic tasks. 74.19% present moderate stress, 54.84% are at the level of achievement “in process”. Because of this influence, a comprehensive social-emotional support program is urgently needed to cope with stress and improve the achievement of authentic tasks.


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How to Cite

Taipe Florez, F., Castro Huamani, D., Condori Huillca, J. C., Mamani Quispe, S. R., & Cumpa Huaman, F. (2023). Authentic tasks and stress in the Covid-19 context, correlation of its influence on the level of achievement in university students. Yachay, 12(1), 5–10.



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