Structural barriers to access to comprehensive sexuality education from the health care of Yoreme-Mayo agricultural day laborers




structural barriers, social determinants of health, sexual health, sex education, indigenous women


Structural barriers are an important gap for access to comprehensive sex education, which is amalgamated with socio-labor conditions and socioeconomic barriers, which prevent timely attention to sexual health care, as is the case for women agricultural workers in Northern Sinaloa, for years they have remained violated under a structural system of oppression, symbolic violence, invisibility and discrimination, not having a social protection, nor security scheme. This research aims to analyze the main barriers that hinder the right to comprehensive sex education from the health care in Yoreme-Mayo agricultural day laborers. The work is developed from an interpretative study with a qualitative approach, the choice of methodological tools has feminist epistemological bases. Information was collected through semi-structured interviews and audio recordings where six women were given voice. As results, three categories of analysis emerged: structural, economic and time barriers, the findings indicate that these barriers intersect with socio-labor conditions and labor informality, on the other hand, an axis that crosses these barriers was time, limiting the possibilities of having essential information for sexual and reproductive health, as well as the prevention of Transmission Infections. Women day laborers face a structural disadvantage where social, economic, political and cultural processes modify ways of life for timely sexual health care, which are drawn immediately due to multiple factors including geographical spaces of settlement, customs, time restriction, excess domestic and extra-domestic burden, linked to a significant lag at the educational level in indigenous populations.  Based on the results we suggest to continue developing prevention policies in health, safety and social protection coverage for women agricultural workers.


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How to Cite

Apodaca-Orozco, G. U. G., Calvario-Parra, J. E., & Gómez-Rodríguez, G. A. (2023). Structural barriers to access to comprehensive sexuality education from the health care of Yoreme-Mayo agricultural day laborers. Yachay, 12(1), 31–40.



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