Level of development of the generic competences of graduates in Biochemistry and Pharmacy from Technical University of Machala, Ecuador





Generic competences, Biochemistry, Graduates


This study describes the level of knowledge, attitudes and skills in the generic competencies considered essential for the professional development of Biochemistry and Pharmacy graduates from the Technical University of Machala, Ecuador. The research was quantitative-descriptive, and a survey designed, validated, and published on the university website was used to collect data, as part of the graduate follow-up process. The study population included all graduates from the Biochemistry and Pharmacy program, consisting of 64 women and 30 men, during the year 2022. The sample, in turn, consisted of those graduates who responded to the online survey in 2023, totaling 27 women and 14 men. The results showed that 92.9% of graduates reported achieving high levels in the following generic competencies: critical and reflective thinking, professional ethics, respect for gender, ethnic, and cultural diversity, and teamwork. Additionally, 71.4% and 54.8% of the graduates indicated having high levels of training in digital tool management and scientific research, respectively. However, 59.5% of graduates reported an intermediate proficiency level in a second language. These results highlight that, although most graduates reported having high preparation in five of the seven generic competencies, it is crucial to reinforce second language instruction and place greater emphasis on developing research skills to ensure a comprehensive education for all Biochemistry and Pharmacy graduates.


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Author Biographies

Fausto Baldemar Dután Torres, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y de La Salud, Carrera de Bioquímica y Farmacia, Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador

BQF. Fausto Baldemar Dután Torres, is a professional in the area of ​​Biochemistry and Pharmacy, currently working as a professor at the Technical University of Machala, in subjects such as Biopharmacy, Administration and Analytical Chemistry. He has a master's degree in Clinical and Hospital Pharmacy and another in Health Management from Universities in Ecuador. He actively participates in the academic and administrative groups of the degree and is responsible for the quality indicator on Graduate Monitoring, where he has managed research projects and training courses. He has worked as an analyst in Pharmaceutical Industries and as Administrator of private Pharmacies. He has supervised research in the area of ​​biochemistry and pharmacy, with emphasis on drug stability and bioequivalence studies, important to guarantee the quality and safety of drugs in the Ecuadorian market.


Thayana del Carmen Núñez Quezada, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y de La Salud, Carrera de Bioquímica y Farmacia, Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuadora


Professor in the Biochemistry and Pharmacy degree at the Technical University of Machala. She currently holds the position of Coordinator of the aforementioned degree. He has several fourth-level degrees, including a Master's Degree in Health Management and a PhD in Health Sciences. She is a Research Professor in the area of ​​clinical analysis, she has several publications of scientific articles in high-impact journals, as well as publication of books in the area of ​​Biochemistry and Pharmacy. He has a high track record as a Director and management in the career, in all aspects, including Graduate Monitoring, in improving the academic offer. His work has been key to the development of new technologies in the field of Biochemistry and Pharmacy. She has developed a solid academic and scientific career, being recognized for her work in the chemical sciences. His profile has been highlighted in international scientific rankings, placing him among the main scientists in the area of ​​natural sciences in Ecuador, and within the 3% of the best scientists according to the AD Scientific Index.

Cristhian Arturo Zambrano Cabrera , Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y de La Salud, Carrera de Bioquímica y Farmacia, Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador

Pharmaceutical Biochemist graduated from the Technical University of Machala (2007). Higher Diploma in University Teaching from the Technical University of Machala (2011) Master in Environmental Engineering and Industrial Safety at the National University of Piura (2020). Master in Biotechnology at UNEMI (2024) Analyst and Technical Representative of SERVILAB Clinical Laboratory. Quito. 2009-2012 Teaching Assistant for the Subjects of Pharmaceutical Technology, Drug Control and Toxicology, 2006 - 2008 Teacher at the Technical University of Machala since 2009 in the fields of Biochemistry and Pharmacy, Medical Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Food Engineering, Veterinary Medicine, Civil Engineering, Leveling and Admissions Directorate Currently Professor of the Biochemistry and Pharmacy Course, Chemical Engineering, and Food Engineering at the Technical University of Machala. Technical Representative of the pharmaceutical company Farmaenlace (Farmacias Medicity – Farmacias Económicas). 2021 – 2024 Member of the group for Monitoring Graduates of the Chemical and Biochemical Engineering and Pharmacy careers UTMACH

Español, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y de La Salud, Carrera de Bioquímica y Farmacia, Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador

Pharmaceutical Biochemist, Master in Clinical Pharmacological Research, Master in Bromatology and Food Technology (CURSANDO). Professor at the Technical University of Machala, member of the monitoring criteria for graduates of the Biochemistry and Pharmacy degree.

Geovanny Efrén Ramon Japón, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y de La Salud, Carrera de Bioquímica y Farmacia, Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador

Pharmaceutical Biochemist, Technical University of Machala, Ecuador.
Master's degree in Medicines, Health and Health System, University of Barcelona, ​​Spain.
Intern at the Mutua de Terrasa University Hospital, Barcelona, ​​Spain.
6 years Lecturer and member of the monitoring committee for graduates of the Biochemistry and Pharmacy degree at the Technical University of Machala, Ecuador.

Carmita Gladys Jaramillo Jaramillo, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y de La Salud, Carrera de Bioquímica y Farmacia, Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador

Tenured research professor in the Biochemistry and Pharmacy degree at the Technical University of Machala. He currently holds the position of member of the academic committee, evaluation, graduate monitoring, and person responsible for the degree processes of the degree in question. Fourth level degrees of Master in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of Havana of Cuba and Master of Teaching and Research at the Technical University of Machala. Teacher of the subject of Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmaceutical Legislation. Researcher as director and members of research projects in the area of ​​natural products at the university and in agreements with other universities. Several publications of presentations at national and international conferences, scientific articles in regional and high-impact magazines, referring to topics of medicinal plants and preparation of medicines, as well as publication of books in the area of ​​Quality Control of Medicines. His research has been of importance and contribution to the development of medicines, especially of natural origin, effective phytomedicines with in vitro pharmacological activity studies in Bioterio, as well as insurance with toxicity and stability studies. Courses in teaching, academia, artificial intelligence, as well as in the specialty related to the preparation of medicines, hospital pharmacy among the most outstanding. Academic and scientific career has been highlighted in national and international scientific events, being awarded and decorated by the Technical University of Machala, and within the H-index, the i10 index of the best scientists according to the AD Scientific Index.



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How to Cite

Dután Torres, F. B., Núñez Quezada, T. del C., Zambrano Cabrera , C. A., Maldonado Encalada, Y. S., Ramon Japón, G. E., & Jaramillo Jaramillo, C. G. (2024). Level of development of the generic competences of graduates in Biochemistry and Pharmacy from Technical University of Machala, Ecuador. Yachay, 13(2), 107–112. https://doi.org/10.36881/yachay.v13i2.899

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