Construction of scientific theories: new approaches and implications in the doctoral thesis




scientific theory, theory construction, research approach, doctoral thesis


The objective of this article was to analyze the process of constructing scientific theories and its implications in the preparation of the doctoral thesis. To achieve this goal, a traditional literature review was carried out that included the analysis of classic and contemporary documentary sources, located in important databases such as WOS and Scopus. The product of the work carried out describes the different logical methods and research approaches used to generate theories, with the purpose of providing basic notions about the construction of theories and contributing to elucidating issues that generate constant doubts in doctoral students. Finally, some procedures are proposed for the construction of theories, making it clear that the proposed schemes and sequences are flexible and that they can be adapted depending on the nature of the object of study, the interests and intentions of the researchers and the norms of each institution.


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How to Cite

Arias-Odón , F. (2023). Construction of scientific theories: new approaches and implications in the doctoral thesis. Yachay, 12(2), 138–144.



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